Rules & Regulations


Open to all – anyone, whether you are a member of the Bangladesh Photographic Society or not a member may apply. This is usually the starting point. You need to show that you are good at Presentation, Technical Quality, Visual Awareness and Communication. Ten Photographic works (Black & White or Color or Mixed of Both) should be submitted with the application. All submitted work should have variety in the subject, well composition, quality of the theme and its control by light. There are no rights or wrongs here, but ensure that if an image has been converted to monochrome, value has been added and you are not just presenting a color image with its color removed. Person, who is active in the field of Photography at least for a period of three (3) years with good Technical knowledge-eligible to apply. Major selection criteria will be evidence of at least 20 National or 20 International Acceptances. As often as it is mentioned, personal input to pictures is very important. It is an opportunity to show imagination and creativity. It can perhaps best be described as seeing rather than just looking; then making a selection, using the tools and techniques at your disposal, to eliminate distractions in order to let your subject dominate the picture. The resulting image will then be your picture, your interpretation and not simply a snapshot.


Open to all – anyone, whether you are a member of the Bangladesh Photographic Society or not a member may apply. At this level, you need to show evidence of creative ability, a high standard of technical competence and a complete, expert, comprehensive knowledge of your discipline. Your work should be consistent and also make a statement of a strong personal style. A high standard of presentation is expected. Any Photographer can apply directly for this distinction. Fifteen Photographic Works (Either Black & White or Color or Mixed of Both) should be submitted with the application. All submitted work should have variety in the subject, well composition, quality of the theme and its control by light. There are no rights or wrongs here, but ensure that if an image has been converted to monochrome, value has been added and you are not just presenting a color image with its color removed. Person, who is active in the field of Photography at least for a period of five (5) years with good Technical knowledge-eligible to apply. Major selection criteria will be evidence of at least 30 National or 50 International Acceptances. As often as it is mentioned, personal input to pictures is very important. It is an opportunity to show imagination and creativity. It can perhaps best be described as seeing rather than just looking; then making a selection, using the tools and techniques at your disposal, to eliminate distractions in order to let your subject dominate the picture. The resulting image will then be your picture, your interpretation and not simply a snapshot.

Successful Applicant will receive a Diploma and BPS Badge and after that he/she can use the title ABPS after his/her name.


The highest level of Distinction, the Fellowship is awarded for excellence and evidence of distinguished ability. The excellence of technical quality is essential, but if your work is interpretive, then the quality should be appropriate to the subject and intent. At this level, it is expected that you will show individuality, with strong personal input and an element of originality or freshness in your approach. 10-20 Photographic Works of a photo story or single subject portfolio (Either Black & White or Color or Mixed of Both) should be submitted with the application. A person, who is active in the field of Photography at least for a period of ten (10) years with good Technical knowledge and having ABPS Distinction for at least 2 years is eligible to apply. Evidence of at least 50 Club/National or 200 International Acceptances will be a credit.

Successful Applicant will receive a Diploma and BPS Badge and after that he/she can use the title FBPS after his/her name.

AFIAP Holders will get 50 marks out of 100  for applying ABPS Distinction.
EFIAP Holders will get 50 marks out of 100  for apply FBPS distinction.
A candidate who wants to apply for FBPS must have ABPS distinction at least for 2 years.
Successful candidates can use the distinction after his/her name for a lifetime.
Only Bangladeshi Candidates should be a member of BPS to apply for Distinction.
Application Submission:

Submit your application by Wetransfer, with this Email: info@bpsbd.org with relevant documents as bellow:

Please download the application form
Fillup Distinction XL Form Page A, B and C
Page A for Applicant’s information and Signature
Page B for Submitted works list
Page C for List of Acceptance file FIAP and BPS.
Scan copy of AFIAP, EFIAP or other Distinctions Certificates.
Submitted works/Images should be in 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Application Fees:

For Bangladeshi Nationality LBPS, ABPS & FBPS: BDT.  5000 (Five Thousand)
For other  Nationalities USD. 100.00 (One Hundred)
Including Certificate Post Charge

Please click on the link to download the Distinctions application form